Posts Tagged ‘legends’

The majority of us have heard of the Loch Ness Monster. If you have done any reading into the phenomenon surrounding the Loch Ness Monster, you you have heard whispers or rumors of other Lake Monster Legends. This is essence of what intrigues me. Not the possibility of a “lake monster” living somewhere in the world, but that in multiple places throughout the world Lake Monster Legends have evolved along similar lines. Is there a common causality for these Legends? Perhaps an anthropological approach to the study of these Legends bring will new insights to old mysteries?

The concept of the Holy Grail was introduced in the late 12th century by Chrétien de Troyes in his work of literature, “Perceval, le Conte du Graal”. Since it’s introduction in literature, the Holy Grail has been expanded upon by other authors. Somewhere along the line a sense of legend developed around the Holy Grail. It has also become associated with other areas of research such as Arthurian Legend and the Knights Templar. Some believe that the Holy Grail was the cup used by Christ at the last supper with his disciples. Others believe that the Holy Grail is an allegory for a bloodline descended from Christ and Mary Magdalen which allegedly thrives today. Whatever the truth of the Holy Grail, it is a fascinating legend which presents many areas of research for those who choose to learn more about it.